Tourist Class ~ Steerage

Please select the row and seat you’d prefer. None are any worse than any others in this section – Air quality may at times be odious, but under no circumstances open the windows! Or pop out onto the rear balcony – those stairs don’t lead there, let us assure you!



For our serious travelers on a shoe-string budget – the steerage section may experience very exaggerated motion and lateral displacements, plus engine noise that is just below permanent hearing damage levels. We recommend seatbelts are worn in this section at all times. Yes, on this modern jet every seat now has lap belts for the comfort of our travelers, and we gently urge you to fully utilize this bonus convenience of our forward thinking and always caring Conundrum Air! Additionally, Conundrum Air offers complimentary industrial quality, passive noise cancelling foam ear plugs – in your choice of florescent orange or hot pink!

Additional information

Seat Row

Row 28, Row 29

Seat Choice

Window A, Center B, Isle C, Isle D, Center E, Window F

Departure Time

FInal Boarding call